Article 32 A lawsuit instituted for expenses of maritime salvage shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the salvage took place or where the salvaged ship first docked after the disaster. 第三十二条因海难救助费用提起的诉讼,由救助地或者被救助船舶最先到达地人民法院管辖。
To all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; 适用于海事法及海事管辖权的一切案件;
Where a dispute arises over the jurisdiction of a case of maritime administrative punishment, that case shall be submitted to the maritime administrative agency at the joint higher level for designation of jurisdiction. 对海事行政处罚案件管辖发生争议的,报请共同的上一级海事管理机构指定管辖。
A maritime administrative agency shall transfer a case of maritime administrative punishment which is not under its jurisdiction to the maritime administrative agency which has the jurisdiction; 海事管理机构对不属其管辖的海事行政处罚案件,应当移送有管辖权的海事管理机构;
The flag State shall have a competent and adequate national maritime administration, which shall be subject to its jurisdiction and control. 船旗国应设有受其管辖和控制的有法定资格和适当的国家海事主管机关。
In the academic circle of maritime law, Arrest of ships and Foreign-related maritime jurisdiction are both extensive researched issues, and each of these areas has achieved fruitful research results. 船舶扣押和涉外海事诉讼管辖是两个为海商法学界广泛研究的问题,每个领域都取得了丰硕的研究成果。
Finally, how will the disputed islands affect maritime jurisdiction? 最后,这个有争议的岛将会如何影响海事司法权?
Where the case is not under the jurisdiction of the maritime administrative agency, suggesting transferring it to others organs with the jurisdiction for handling. 不属于本海事管理机构管辖的,建议移送其他有管辖权的机关处理。
The higher people's court in the locality where a maritime court is located shall have jurisdiction over appeals against the judgments and orders of the maritime court. 对海事法院的判决和裁定的上诉案件,由海事法院所在地的高级人民法院管辖。
The maritime territorial jurisdiction below shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions. 下列海事诉讼的地域管辖,依照以下规定。
The maritime courts shall have jurisdiction over maritime cases and maritime trade cases of first instance; they shall not handle criminal cases or other civil cases. 海事法院管辖第一审海事案件和海商案件,不受理刑事案件和其他民事案件。
If the maritime administrative agency to which the case is transferred deems that the transfer is improper, it shall submit that case to the maritime administrative agency at the joint higher level for designation of jurisdiction. 受移送的海事管理机构如果认为移送不当,应当报请共同的上一级海事管理机构指定管辖。
So it is very essential to strengthen the study on system of maritime jurisdiction concerning foreign-related affairs jurisdiction. 所以,加强对涉外海事诉讼管辖制度的研究十分必要。
Because of her federal system, the maritime judicial jurisdiction and legislation in thd U. S. are not yet unified. 由于美国实行联邦制度,在海商法立法和司法方面,美国国内并未统一。
Finally discussing about some procedural problems concerning legal liability of it in maritime trial such as limitation of action, jurisdiction, burden of persuasion and evidential effect etc. 最后,就无单放货法律责任程序规则问题诸如诉讼时效、管辖权、证明责任和证据效力等进行了探讨。
The Status and Affection of Maritime Jurisdiction in China 论海事判例在我国司法实践中的地位和作用
This paper endeavours to make a comprehensive study of the problems concerning the nonuniformity situation of American maritime judicial jurisdiction and legislation, federal and state jurisdiction over maritime cases, and the uniformity of maritime judicial jurisdiction and legislation in the United States. 本文针对美国海商法立法和司法不统一现状,就联邦和州法院对海事案件的审理管辖权,海商法立法和实体法如何在全美统一的问题,作了多方面的研究和探讨。
On Matters about Maritime Jurisdiction 论涉外海事诉讼管辖的若干问题
On Integration of Commercial Law On the Uniformity of Maritime Judicial Jurisdiction and Legislation in the United States 论商法的统一关于美国海商法司法和立法的统一问题
In order to study the system of maritime jurisdiction from the theory and practice, this thesis uses the method compared, proceeding with theory and combining the concrete case to analyse it overall and systematically. 为了从理论和实践上对涉外海事诉讼管辖制度进行研究,本文运用比较的方法,从理论入手结合具体案例,对涉外海事诉讼管辖制度作一个尽量全面、系统的剖析。
In the international maritime procedure, the determination of jurisdiction is a controversial question for a long time. 在国际海事诉讼中,有关管辖地的确定是一个争议已久的问题。
On civil jurisdiction by agreement and maritime jurisdiction by agreement 浅论民事协议管辖与海事协议管辖
Chapter 1 introduces that international maritime litigation is a complete jurisdiction activity, in which maritime courts try and solve maritime disputes according to laws. First of all, the civil procedure in litigation would be applicable to maritime suit. 第一章介绍了国际海事诉讼是海事法院在海事争议当事人及其他诉讼参与人的参与下,依法审理和解决海事争议的全部司法审判活动。
Maritime jurisdiction is the reflecting of litigious sovereign, especially on the foreign maritime jurisdiction. 海事管辖权是司法主权的体现,这尤其表现在涉外海事管辖中。
Arrest of ship, as an important procedure to solve maritime disputes, and the base for a court to exercise jurisdiction as well, is greatly concerned by the shipping and law field. 船舶扣押制度(ArrestofShip)是解决海事争议的重要程序,也是各国法院行使管辖权的基础,一直都得到国内外航运界、法律界的普遍重视。
There is a special theory and practice of jurisdiction in maritime action, such as distress jurisdiction, action in rem, etc. 海事诉讼具有独特的管辖理论与实践,比如扣押管辖、对物诉讼等。
The international community has not formed the unified maritime jurisdiction system yet at present. Every sovereign state confirm one's own jurisdiction according to the national law and does the best to expand one's own jurisdiction range. 目前国际社会尚未形成统一的国际海事管辖权制度,各主权国家依据本国法律确定自己的涉外海事诉讼管辖权,且都尽力扩大自己的管辖权范围。
First, this chapter analyzes the maritime jurisdiction of maritime personal injury cases, and also the problems in the application of laws, arising from the judicial explanation exclusively applied to foreign related maritime personal injury and death cases. 首先,对海上人身伤亡案件的海事诉讼管辖问题,以及基于我国相关的专门司法解释所产生的涉外海上人身伤亡案件法律适用问题进行了分析。
Disputes include the issue of sovereignty, the maritime jurisdiction, the maritime security, exclusive economic zone as well as the development and utilization of the continental shelf and so on. 争端包括各海域岛屿主权问题、海洋管辖问题、专属经济区和大陆架的开发利用问题、海洋安全利益问题等。
This chapter deeply studies the legitimacy of the basic rules of maritime claims preservation, such as start rules, jurisdiction rules, security rules, decision rules and remedy rules. 本章对海事请求保全的启动规则、管辖规则、担保规则、裁定规则以及救济规则的规范正当性进行了深入分析。